Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two Years!

On Monday, Feb. 15, we celebrated our second anniversary. Matt and I decided every year we would switch off. So I agreed to take on this year. I was searching and searching for an idea that would blow Matt out of the water. I finally found some Buddy Guy and BB King tickets on The tickets were $130 each and I personally am not a huge fan of them both but I knew Matt would enjoy seeing them. However the day after I purchased them, Matt made the comment that he wouldn't pay a whole lot of money to go see anyone in concert here in KC. Well as you can imagine, my wheels started turning. I decided to break the news to him and really find out if he wanted to see them. Needless to say we sold them days later. I was frustrated and a little ticked with him. So I told him he could plan our anniversary. So he did and sure surprised me! We first went and played volleyball with the elders and women from the Olathe stake. Afterwards he gave me two choices to eat; 5 Guys Burger and Fries or Stix. We hadn't been to either. We headed to 5 Guys Burger and Fries. I laughed at first but we wanted to see what all the uproar was about this place. Matt and I would have to rate it an 8 out of 10. The french fries were from Shelley, Idaho though we smiled when we saw that, only Shelley, Idaho. You could taste the potato in the french fries and the hamburger was good but not amazing. After having dinner Matt pretended to miss the freeway and take this side road which led to the Chateau Avalon by Legends, which is a themed room hotel. I was really shocked. We checked into the Egyptian Palace.

This took my breath away as I walked into the bedroom. Matt had made prior arrangements with the hotel to put rose pedals all over the bed with one single rose. Cute, huh?!

This tub was so relaxing! Someday Matt and I would like to have one of these in our home. All day I kept flashing back to our wedding and remembering all the tender moments with family and friends. It was the best day of my life and am grateful Matt choose me to be his eternal companion. I am one lucky girl! Next day we did a little shopping. I think I have found my new favorite store, Banana Republic Outlet.


Chase and Kortney Crowley said...

AHH!!! So much fun! Chase and I actually stayed there for a couple nights before we went on our honeymoon! It is soooo beautiful! I love how it looks like a castle! That was so sweet of him to surprise you with that! Happy Anniversary!

BriANDaleen said...

Congrats you old married woman ;). We stayed there once when Brian got back from Iraq and loved it too! You got a good guy!

Spencer and Chelsea Coon said...

OOhhh that place looks like so much fun...we almost stayed at a place kinda like that in salt lake once but it just didnt work out but anyways the movie was pretty funny but I mean its just a chick flick so if your going with a bunch of girls see it in the theater but if your wanting to see it with the hubby, rent it haha.

Tina Braegger said...

Happy Anniversary!! And what a great hubby you have..I am so glad he made it up to you! :)